The University of Hong Kong, as a leading institution of higher education, should be a place where faith is freely discussed and understood. This is now an urgent issue given the re-emergence of religion as a potent force in recent years across the world. Faith is deeply interwoven in the fabric of Asian society and is developing rapidly. This will fuel what is already a global issue as this region comes into greater prominence on the world stage. Faith and Global Engagement (「宗教信仰與全球參與」倡議計劃) is strategically placed to have a significant impact on Hong Kong at this critical time, providing current and future leaders with an informed and responsible understanding of religion and how its engagement with the world can transform the social landscape.



Hospitality and integrity are the core values of Faith and Global Engagement. We aim to be open and real in our relationships, pursuing scholarly excellence through an integration of knowledge with social responsibility.

Open – Faith and Global Engagement is open to everyone regardless of their beliefs, religious or secular. The purpose is not to foster religious practices or to propagate particular beliefs but to encourage purposeful engagement with current issues pertaining to faith in an open and constructive manner.

Real – To initiate an authentic and meaningful space for engagement, Faith and Global Engagement will host discussions from a Christian scholarly viewpoint, welcoming those who inhabit other traditions to share ideas in an environment of mutual respect. We believe that relevant and meaningful discussions best occur when participants relate to each other from particular traditions, recognizing each other differences in a spirit of hospitality.

Integrated – Faith and Global Engagement aims to integrate faith and scholarship with social responsibility, in the interests of a wisdom that can engage the world in relevant, reflective and practical ways.

Excellence – Faith and Global Engagement aims to enhance the reputation of the University through the excellence of its research and teaching, the world-class standing of its visiting experts, and the quality of its network with partner institutions.


Faith and Global Engagement demonstrates its interdisciplinary engagement by partnering with many units at HKU across different faculties. The units we have worked with include: